Fourth week of Physical Chemistry (CHEM 3321) with Dr. Nielsen at UT Dallas!
MISSED CLASS | September 9, 2019
I had a family obligation on Monday, so I missed class!
I spoke with Prof. Nielsen afterwards and we covered chapter 20, subsections 1-4 from the book.
CHAPTER 20 | September 11, 2019
We covered:
Clausius Inequality
CHAPTER 20 | September 13, 2019
We covered:
Second Law of Thermodynamics
thermal efficiency
To anyone reviewing my notes: Please feel free to reach out if you need any clarification on anything I wrote! I know the cursive can get a bit sloppy at times. I try to include everything, but it’s a bit difficult to keep up with the graphs, charts, etc. at times! I try to write down the figure number for reference from our textbook.