So about two months ago, I made this post about how I was getting back into working out, showed pictures of my progress to that point, and discussed my goals for the future! Definitely didn’t do the fitness competition I wanted to train for, but my revised goal is to be ready for it next year! My first go at this, I had guidance from my two fitness coaches (Thank you Matt for the workout plans and Erica for the nutrition plans!) and I had less going on in my life so I focused nearly all of my free time on my fitness.
Since I started going back to school, I had to figure out that school-work-life balance all over again, so I ended up taking about a month and a half off of working out and meal prepping because I had to prioritise school above all. It was actually a little defeating for me. I really missed how I felt from eating clean and working out nearly every day.
Regardless, I’m planning on posting quick updates with my progress pictures, weight, and workouts on my blog now!
WEEKS 1-2 | October 30, 2019
This is the circuit I did this week:
I did three sets the first week and ramped up to four sets the second week!
I make these little cards and put them in the back of my phone case to reference while I’m at the gym! Makes it quick and easy. 🙂

Weight: 145 lbs
I’m actually quite surprised that I managed to maintain my weight throughout the brief hiatus from working out. Every time I ate out, I enjoyed the food and the convenience, but I thought about how much money I could be saving and how much healthier I would feel if I just meal prepped! I remember looking at my stomach growing in size, and just feeling a little down… but in reality, I lost the muscle and put on some fat, but not so much that it changed my weight (I was 143 lbs when I stopped)! Besides that, actually looking at the photos I don’t look as near heavy as I’ve been feeling. Plus I’ve been able to crank out the workouts without much of a struggle and I feel everything tightening up again. Interesting how critical we can be of ourselves until we take a step back, realise that things aren’t all that bad, and we’re doing just fine.
Until next week! ~ <3